study details
start date: November 20, 2021
estimated completion: February 28, 2022
last updated: November 16, 2021
size / enrollment: 8
primary outcomes:
- Change in functional assessment
Motor Function Measure Scale Each MFM32 item is scored on a 4-point Likert scale from 0 (cannot initiate the task) to 3 (performs the task fully). Item scores are summed, and the raw score is transformed to an overall total score ranging from 0 (severe functional impairment) to 100 (no functional impairment).
- baseline, after 12 weeks
Change in postural assessment by plurimeter (Rippstein)
Spine curvature assessment in sagittal plane
- baseline, after 12 weeks
Change in range of motion in upper and lower limb by goniometer
Assessment of the changes in the range of motion in joints in the upper and lower limb measured by goniometer
- baseline, after 12 weeks
Change in strength assessment
Assessment of muscle strength using electrical dynamometer MicroFET2
- baseline, after 12 weeks
Change in EMG assessment
EMG assessment using Stella BIO device
- baseline, after 12 weeks
Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale Expanded
It contains 33 items which are scored on a scale of 0, 1, 2 with a total achievable score of 66.
Score 2 = performs without modification/adaptation/compensation Score 1 = performs with modification/adaptation/compensation Score 0 = unable to perform A total score can be achieved by summing the scores for all the individual items. The total score can range from 0, if all the activities are failed, to 66, if all the activities are achieved.
- baseline, after 12 weeks
North Star Ambulatory Assessment
17-item rating scale that is used to measure functional motor abilities in ambulant children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
The activities are graded as follows:
2 - "Normal" - no obvious modification of activity
1 - Modified method but achieves goal independent of physical assistance from another 0 - Unable to achieve independently This scale is ordinal with 34 as the maximum score indicating fully-independent function.
- baseline, after 12 weeks
Change in postural assessment by scoliometer
Assessment of the angle of the torso rotation in a sitting or standing position;
Referral for scoliosis when rib slopeAngle of trunk rotation [ATR]is :
8 degrees for underweight patients, 7 degrees for normal-weight patients, 6 degrees for overweight patients, and 5 degrees for obese patients.
- baseline, after 12 weeks
inclusion criteria:
• Eligible Ages: 3 - 25
• Eligible Sexes: all
Inclusion Criteria:
confirmed genetic Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) or Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD), limb-girdle dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), myopathy or neuropathy
continued/uninterrupted rehabilitation process for 3 months
patient's condition allowing full understanding of commands
exclusion criteria: Criteria:
patients using a respirator
painful complaints
after injuries and fractures in the last 6 months
significant weakening of muscle strength, preventing movements and activation of selected muscle groups, visible in the EMG examination
cognitive impairment-lack of or poor cooperation between the patient and the therapist,