study details
start date: November 25, 2019
estimated completion: August 1, 2022
last updated: January 26, 2021
size / enrollment: 39
study description: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) are genetic disorders that often result in progressive weakness and impaired function. Results from this study will help characterize how gait is affected in SMA and DMD. This novel device can serve as a more affordable and versatile measurement instrument for neuromuscular disorders that affect gait and balance. All participants will be observed and measured while wearing the instrumented insoles in the lab and in real-life environments.
primary outcomes:
- Validation of Instrumented Insoles: Six Minute Walk Test
To measure spatial parameters, kinetic parameters, temporal parameters, and metrics of cumulative activity in order to compare against the gold standard instrumented walkway participants will complete the Six Minute Walk Test. This test is an objective evaluation of functional exercise capacity, measures the maximum distance a person can walk in six minutes over a 25 meter course. This will be performed in a corridor and include the instrumented walkway.
- Baseline
Validation of Instrumented Insoles: 10 Meter Walk/Run
To measure spatial parameters, kinetic parameters, temporal parameters, and metrics of cumulative activity in order to compare against the gold standard instrumented walkway, participants will walk, or run if able to, for 10 meters on the instrumented walkway.
- Baseline
Validation of Instrumented Insoles: Time Up and Go Test (TUG)
To measure spatial parameters, kinetic parameters, temporal parameters, and metrics of cumulative activity in order to compare against the gold standard instrumented walkway, participants will complete the TUG test. This test is designed to test mobility after a person stands up from a seated position. This will be completed on the instrumented walkway.
- Baseline
Validation of Instrumented Insoles: Straight Line Walking
To measure spatial parameters, kinetic parameters, temporal parameters, and metrics of cumulative activity in order to compare against the gold standard instrumented walkway, participants will be asked to walk in a straight line multiple times over the instrumented walkway.
- Baseline
Validation of Instrumented Insoles: Circle Walking
To measure spatial parameters, kinetic parameters, temporal parameters, and metrics of cumulative activity in order to compare against the gold standard instrumented walkway participants will be asked to walk a series of half-circles on the instrumented walkway.
- Baseline
Muscle Strength Testing with Hand-held Dynamometry (HHD)
HHD is used to assess strength of selected muscles.
- Baseline
secondary outcomes:
- Free-living Testing of Instrumented Insoles
One week
inclusion criteria:
• Eligible Ages: 5 - 120
• Eligible Sexes: all
Inclusion Criteria:
One of the following categories:
Genetic confirmation of spinal muscular atrophy
Genetic confirmation of Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy or evidence on muscle biopsy with a clinical presentation consistent with DMD/BMD
Healthy individuals.
Able to walk independently at least 25 meters
exclusion criteria: Criteria:
Unable to walk 25 meters independently.
Use of investigational medications intended for the treatment of SMA or DMD/BMD within 30 days prior to study entry.